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The launching ceremony of the first session "NAIEC Cup" International Students Internet Marketing & Innovation held in Jiangsu University.
Apr 3, 2023

On March 22nd, the launching ceremony of the first session "NAIEC Cup" International Students Internet Marketing & Innovation, Creativity and Startup Contest, jointly organized by Nanjing Automobile Import and Export Co., Ltd. and the Overseas Education College of Jiangsu University, was successfully held in Jiangsu University.


At the launching ceremony, Jin Wei, the assistant general manager of NAIEC, gave a detailed introduction to the contest rules to teachers and students of Jiangsu University, including nearly 200 students from the Belt and Road countries, and invited the students to participate in the contest through scanning the code and post conference promotion activities. During the launch ceremony, Mr. Yan Xiaohong, president of Jiangsu University, Mr. Yang Jiemian, former director of Shanghai Institute of International Studies, and deputy director of Zhenjiang Foreign Affairs Office were invited to launch the event together with Mr. Yan Weihua, the Communist Party secretary of Donghua Automotive Industrial Co., Ltd. and Mr. Xu Qiren, general manager of Nanjing Automobile Import and Export Co., Ltd.

   The contest, with the theme of “Leading Green Technology, Creating Wonderful Mobility”, is following Donghua’s core value – to work with responsibility, to succeed through transcendence and adhering to NAIEC spirit - to welcome with passion, and to benefit with devotion. We aim to guide the international students of Jiangsu University to innovate and venture into startup on auto products and service provided by SAIC, Donghua and NAIEC. Through this activity, we hope to boost cooperation between university and enterprise, inspire the students’ potential of innovation and the sense of collaboration, and to help promote the overseas business of SAIC, Donghua and NAIEC. 

   The contest is divided into two parts, online and offline. We design the online part with the theme of new media publicity and marketing. We have set group and individual awards in this section and prepared attractive prize. In offline section, we encourage contestants to perform business promotion and cooperation, trying to achieve a win-win result for Jiangsu University, NAIEC and the contestants.

   The contest is the 1st theme activity that we will perform in line with the industry-university-institution collaboration agreement signed between Jiangsu University and Donghua. In near future, we will design more such programs and activities to propeller the cooperation with Jiangsu University and to provide more platforms for international students to bolster ability and perform their talents. At the same time, through these activities, we will choose suitable students to join us through internship and employment to explore overseas markets together and benefit each other in the course.

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